
COVID-19 Pandemic


Management of SARS-COV-2 which causes COVID-19 Infection

We provide education, technical and practical advice and support to employers and organizations on return to work policies, appropriate infection control and disinfection of workplaces, employee quarantine parameters and mitigation of other risks associated with exposure and transmission based on the most recent science.

For schools we have developed a comprehensive Return-to-School Playbook that includes considerations for when to open, when to close, how to open successfully with infection prevention measures in place and mitigation strategies.



With my background as a physician, epidemiologist, researcher, public health practitioner, community advocate, wife, parent and daughter, I am curating information on the pandemic here to offer my perspective on guidance, actions and key scientific data.

  • Snapshot of Coronavirus Infections Updated Daily
  • "Masks are very good at blocking larger droplets and not nearly as good at blocking tiny particles. When a person expels droplets into the air, they quickly evaporate and shrink to become tiny airborne particles called droplet nuclei. These are extremely hard to remove from the air. However, in the moist atmosphere between a person's mouth and their mask, it takes nearly a hundred times as long for a droplet to evaporate and shrink into a droplet nuclei." The Science of Masks is Simple
  • Workplace Checklist for Prevention of Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in Non-Healthcare Industries from NIEHS
  • The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them I like this blog by an Associate Professor of Biology at UMass Dartmouth. Person-to-person is the most important mode of transmission. The principle is viral exposure over an extended (>5 minutes) period of time.
  • Coronavirus Outbreak in a Call Center, South Korea A single infected employee came to work on the 11th floor of a building; over 1 week, 43.5% of the employees on the 11th floor became infected and 92 of those 94 people became sick (only 2 remained asymptomatic). It highlights that sharing the same air in an enclosed space for a prolonged period increases chances of exposure and subsequent infection.
  • COVID-19 Outbreak Associated with Air Conditioning in Restaurant, Guangzhou, China, 2020 Effects of a single, asymptomatic carrier in a restaurant over 1.5 hours with airflow vents. Approximately 50% of the people at the asymptomatic carrier's table became sick within 7 days. 75% of the people on the adjacent downwind table became infected and 2 of the 7 people on the upwind table became infected.

  • Practice protective measures including:

    1. Wear a mask. Any kind of mask that fits your face and covers your nose. Don't touch your mask when you are out and about unless you are able to sanitize your hands before and after adjustments.
    2. Physical distancing (at least 6 feet from people outside of your household). If you plan to get within 6 feet of others outside of your household, in addition to your mask, wear a face shield.
    3. Stay at home when you are ill, and respect your quarantine if you have been exposed. It can take 14 days for symptoms to develop. And remember, you are the most infectious 1-2 days before symptom onset.
    4. Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water after any interaction with a contaminated body part or object e.g. touching door handles, coughing or sneezing into your hand, touching a loved one’s face. If you don’t have access to soap and water, use 70% alcohol hand sanitizer. How to Wash Your Hands Effectively
DA Soloman et al. Influenza in the COVID-19 Era. JAMA August 2020.

DA Soloman et al. Influenza in the COVID-19 Era. JAMA August 2020.